10 Ekim 2020 Cumartesi

antiviral aromatik yağlar


Bir çalışmada tarçın ( Cinnamomum zeylanicum ), bergamot ( Citrus bergamia ), limon otu ( Cymbopogon flexuosus ), kekik ( Thymus vulgaris ) ve lavanta ( Lavandula angustifolia ) içeren ticari uçucu yağların influenza tip A'ya (H1N1) karşı in vitro antiviral etkisini değerlendirdi.). 

Yağlar sıvı fazda% 0.3 konsantrasyonda ve buhar fazında test edildi.

 Tarçın, bergamot, kekik ve limon otu yağları sıvı fazda% 100 H1N1 inhibisyonu gösterirken, lavanta esansiyel yağı inhibisyonu% 85 idi.

 Bununla birlikte, buhar fazında, 30 dakikalık maruziyetten sonra sadece tarçın yaprağı uçucu yağı için% 100 inhibisyon gözlenmiştir. 

Bergamot, limon otu, kekik ve lavanta uçucu yağları sırasıyla% 95,% 90,% 70 ve% 80 inhibisyon oranları göstermiştir 

American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 2014; 2 (1): 47-53

3 Ekim 2020 Cumartesi

aromaterapıde kullanılan yaglar

 BAY LAUREL (Laurel Leaf, Bay Leaf, Sweet Bay)

Laurus nobilis.1,8-Cineole 18.8%–68.8%

Avoid with children under age 3, particularly around the nose and

mouth. Use very cautiously in children under age 5 due to high 1,8-

cineole content. 

Use very cautiously during pregnancy and lactation due to potentially

high methyl eugenol content. 

Do not take orally due to high methyl eugenol content. Methyl eugenol

is considered an animal carcinogen and a possible human carcinogen.

May interact with blood pressure medications based on a study with an

ethanolic extract of bay laurel

Avoid with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease due to 1,8-cineole


May interfere with pentobarbital and other barbiturates (medications

for anxiety and insomnia) based on 1,8-cineole content.


Citrus bergamia Risso,Limonene 10.5%–53.2%

Very photosensitizing,

May interfere with the enzymes responsible for drug metabolism

(NSAIDs, proton-pump inhibitors, acetaminophen, antiepileptics,

immune modulators, blood-sugar medications, blood pressure

medications, antidepressants, antipsychotics, diabetic medications,

antihistamines, antibiotics, and anesthetics).

CAMPHOR (Hon-Sho, True Camphor)Camphor 36.5%–98.0%

Cinnamomum camphora, Laurus camphora

Avoid with children under 6 due to high camphor content. Several

cases of camphor poisoning and/or seizures from ingestion and topical

application have been reported in children.

Camphor ingestion may lead to abortion.

Avoid with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease due to camphor content.

camphor may negatively impact red blood cells and increase the risk of jaundice in children

with Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD).

Avoid with those who have a compromised liver due to the risk of

increased liver enzymes and liver damage.


Cedrus atlantica, Cedrus deodara.

None currently known.Alpha-pinene 14.9%–79.4%

CINNAMON BARK (Ceylon Cinnamon, True Cinnamon)(E)-Cinnamaldehyde 50.5%–91.0%

Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

May interact with aspirin, blood pressure, antiplatelet, and

anticoagulant medications, and increase the risk of bleeding among

people with bleeding disorders.

May interact with antibiotics and possibly enhance their effects..

CITRONELLA (Java Citronella)

Cymbopogon winterianus.Citronellal 26.5%–42.8%

Caution is advised during pregnancy and lactation due to citral content.

There is a low risk that when citronella is taken orally it may interfere

with enzymes responsible for metabolizing medications (NSAIDs,

proton-pump inhibitors, acetaminophen, antiepileptics, immune

modulators, blood-sugar medications, blood pressure medications,

antidepressants, antipsychotics, diabetic medications, antihistamines,

antibiotics, and anesthetics).

May interfere with medications used to treat high blood pressure

(calcium channel blockers) and cause low blood pressure according to

animal research


Salvia sclarea.Linalyl Acetate 16.9%–60.8%

Clary sage contains the phytoestrogen sclareol, which can either block

or mimic the action of estrogen according to current knowledge.

Avoid with barbiturates.


Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllata.Eugenol 69.8%–87.0%

Caution with pregnancy and lactation.

May interact with aspirin, blood pressure, antiplatelet, and

anticoagulant medications, and increase the risk of bleeding among

people with bleeding disorders.

May interact with MAOI antidepressants.

CYPRESS (Mediterranean Cypress)

Cupressus sempervirens.Alpha-pinene 30.0%–64.2%

May interact with aspirin, blood pressure, antiplatelet, and

anticoagulant medications, and increase the risk of bleeding among

people with bleeding disorders.


Eucalyptus globulus, 1,8-Cineole 33.6%–83.9%

Eucalyptus radiata.1,8-Cineole 22.4%–74.3%

Avoid with children under age 3, particularly around the nose and

mouth. Use very cautiously in children under age 5 due to high 1,8-

cineole content.

Avoid with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease due to 1,8-cineole


May interfere with pentobarbital and other barbiturates


Boswellia sacra, Boswellia carterii (B. carteri),Alpha-pinene 2.0%–64.0%

May interfere with the enzymes responsible for metabolizing

medications (NSAIDs, proton-pump inhibitors, acetaminophen,

antiepileptics, immune modulators, blood-sugar medications, blood-

pressure medications, antidepressants, antipsychotics, diabetic

medications, antihistamines, antibiotics, and anesthetics).

GERANIUM (Rose Geranium)

Pelargonium graveolens,Citronellol 2.4%–45.7%

Geraniol 1.1%–38.4%

May interfere with the enzymes responsible for metabolizing

medications (NSAIDs, proton-pump inhibitors, acetaminophen,

antiepileptics, immune modulators, blood-sugar medications, blood-

pressure medications, antidepressants, antipsychotics, diabetic

medications, antihistamines, antibiotics, and anesthetics).

May interact with diabetes medications and cause low blood sugar.

GERMAN CHAMOMILE (German Camomile, Blue


Matricaria recutita, Matricaria.Chamazulene 0.7%–61.3%

Bisabolol Oxide A 3.1%–56.0%

May interact with aspirin, blood-pressure, antiplatelet, and

anticoagulant medications, and increase the risk of bleeding among

people with bleeding disorders.

May interfere with the enzymes responsible for metabolizing


dr. scott johnsonevidence based esseintial oil therapy 2015 

çocuklarda B 12 vitamini tedavisi


normal değerler: 200-350 mikrogram 900 e kadar normal..<100 ağır eksiklik,

b 12 düzeyi normalken b 12 vit. eksikliği olabilir.beraberinde demir eksikliği varsa MCV yükselmeyebilir.

 12 tedavisi verilirken , 2 .haftada demir tedavisi vermek gerekebilir.

 b12 eksikliğinde   kan da : b12 . folat, ure keratinin, ALT AST, TIT

holotranskobalamin aktif form.

metilmalonik asit: b 12 vit, homosistein,  hem 1 2 , hem folat eks. gösterir.

B 12 vitamin tedavi dozu: 10- 30 microgram/kg/gun 

500 microgram/ gun  uygun doz 3 ay. 3 ay sonra kontrol.


 oral tedavi ile parentral tedavi arasında fark yok.

 oral tedavi ile sublingual tedavi arasında fark yok 

 ilk hafta 1000 mcgr / gün  7 gün .sonra 100 mcgr. haftada bir. 1 ay

agır pernisiyoz anemide: 

IM: 100- 1000mcgr 1 hafta he rgün

2 hafta : 2 gün / hafta

2 hafta :  1 gün / hafta

sonra ayda bir .

PO: 250-1000 mcgr 1 hafta her gun

2 hafta  haftada 2

 2 hafta haftada 1 

sonra ayda bir ..

b12 yuksekliği 


oral alımı dışla.

enfeksiyon hastalıkların iyileşme döneminde

otoimmun hastalıklarda,

inflamatuvar hast

 KC bobrek hastalıklarında

malignitede ( solid tm.)

tetkik: hemogram 

crp sedim ,TİT, MMA , homosistein

biokimya , radyoloji.


   ANTİVİRAL UÇUCU YAĞLAR Aromaterapide kullanılan uçucu yağların, antimikrobiyal, antiviral, antifungal, antienflamatuar etkileri nedeni il...